Go Pats!!
So Sunday night, at around midnight I went to bed with my laptop and a big smile on my face. It was time to watch Super Bowl. Since we don't have the channel that showed the Super Bowl here in Sweden I had to stream in online. I was not sure it would work as you are suppose to pay for it, but I had some help and got a link that was for free (not the best quality but it worked), so I watch the whole game on my laptop.
However, as you may already know Patriots lost - again. I spend my night awake to see them win, and what happend?! After 4 hours of sleep I had to get up and get ready for school. So would I do it again, even though I should be sleeping and that Patriots didn't win? Oh yes, without a doubt. If that's what it takes for me to feel like I'm in the USA, then no problem =)