This might come as a surpise, but I want to go back to Boston. Surprise!
Spent the day searching the internet on how to get a visa and it is not easy. It driving me crazy especially since I feel like I'm stuck... "I have a dream..." but it's just so far far away.
So what are the options?
Studying - too expensive
Au pair - been there done that =)
Sponsor - how on earth am I gonna find a sponsor who want me to come and work in Boston?!
Read about some one getting a lawyer to help out with a visa, but it also seem way too expensive.
How do people make it? I don't get it. All I can say is that I'm super jelaous of those who somehow manage to get a visa. If you happened to know a way for me to return to Boston, please let me know. I need Americans and I need them now! If anyone walks up to now I'll probably respond in English, 'cause with my mind is totally in English and I'll probably dream in English.
To all Americans (preferably in Boston/Mass): Hire me and I promise you won't be sorry =)