Greetings from Africa!
Africa is still great, hot and poor. But we are still alive and are now close to the end of our journey. It's said but at the same time it's gonna be great to go back home to my family and celebrate Christmas, eat tons of food and enjoy Sweden ('cause it wure is one of the best countries in the world). Today we have been hanging out by the pool at a hotel here in Inhambane. Must say that it sure is great to be a student sometimes =)
My life in Africa, in photos:
Our interpreters children in his own out in the African bush
Streets of Inhambane
This is what we eat pretty much everyday - mango!
Our neighbor!
Barra beach
Two happy girls at the beach after we have conducted 23 interviews for our study, and need a vacation =)
I hope that you are all doing great! In a week we are in Maputo, and in two weeks we are at home with our family!!