My golden shoes

Is having one of those weeks again, missing Boston week. Can't believe it's 4 years ago I arrived, 4 years ago I went to the Cape for the first time of my life. It's crazy.
And for some reason I even started to miss my old golden shoes. That's weird, but I wish I still had them somehow...


There might be some exciting things going on in my life right now, but I'm not gonna tell you yet until it's final.
It's just one more week until summer vacation, although I'll be working two thirds of it. Since I don't have the money this year to visit you guys I'll start saving up for next summer instead. Hehe
Miss you tons.

Eurovision Song Contest 2011

Last night the Eurovision Song Contest 2011 final was held in Düsseldorf, Germany (they won't last year and therefore hosted this year's contest). It's been a bit of a crazy week with two semi finales, one of which Sweden actually won. And last last we rocked.

We sent a Swedish version of Zac Effron(if you ask me) to represent us this year, and after nerve-wracking long minutes of counting and presenting all the votes of the 43 countries competing in ESC it was official, Sweden did awesome. We came on 3rd place, and even though we didn't win it's the best we've done since 1999 when we actually won the whole thing.
The winners this year was Azerbaijan, although the song was not that good. The funny thing though is that Sweden sort of won as the song is written by a Swedish songwriter, the background singers where Swedish, the choreographer was Swedish. Pretty much everything was Swedish accept from the lead singers =)
Eric Saade - popular

The winners: Azerbaijan -  Running Scared

Ireland - Lipstick (the europrediction as the call it, only came 8th place)

Every year 43 countries compete in ESC but only 25 make it to the final, and this year Sweden made it =)

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!!!!
It's time to post pictures. Busy days, June 3rd summer vacation will start!
I was home along a friday night and had to make pizza
Of course I had to have some candy and cheese doodles when I was alone
This was our view from the kitchen window as the laundry room was being renovated.
I woke up one morning with a swollen eye =(
A beautiful spring day in Kalmar
A family excursion to the island outside Kalmar. Found ruins of an old church.
Happy Easter:
Since I'm apparently too old to get candy on easter I had to buy my own egg and fill it with candy.
Painting eggs for our easter breakfast.
My egg (says Happy Easter on in)
Another egg I made the day before.
Our easter breakfast. I even baked scones =)
Our easter dinner (gravlax, pickled herring and eggs)
We went flower picking and found beautiful daffodils.
I'm sure you've already noticed that the table is only set for two, me and my sister. We've been celebrating Easter in Kalmar. Our parents went to Spain to play some golf with friends so we didn't go home for Easter. Although we didn't really have a school break so it wouldn't have worked anyways.
Spring's beautiful this year and our balcony is heaven. School's going alright, a bit tired though. Just found out that I'm not working in June and is starting to freak out since I won't have any money. And the worst thing about that is that i so badly want to go to Boston, and now that I have the time I don't have money.

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